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Any devise for measuring the amount of sugar in a solution. A specially calibrated hydrometer.

Saccharomyces carlsbergensis

See Bottom-fermenting yeast.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

See Top-fermenting yeast.

Saccharomyces uvarum

See Bottom-fermenting yeast.


To reduce microbial contaminants to insignificant levels.


Undesirable microorganism from brewing standpoint. Classified as pediococcus cerevisiae.

Secondary Fermentation

Stage of fermentation occurring in a closed container from several weeks to several months. A period of settling and conditioning of the beer after primary fermentation and before bottling.


Seed Yeast

Yeast used to start fermentation in a brew.

Shelf life

Describes the number of days a beer will retain it's peak drinkability. The shelf life for commercially produced beers is usually a maximum of four months.


A thin mixture of water and insoluble solids.


The quantity of solute present in a given amount of the saturated solution, at a certain temperature, is called the solubility of the solute.


When a solid is dissolved in a liquid, the solid is termed the solute, the liquid the solvent. When one liquid is dissolved in a second liquid, the liquid present in the smaller amount is usually called the solute. In this case, the designation is arbitrary, particularly when the liquids are completely miscible.


A homogeneous mixture formed by the process in which a substance, whether solid, liquid or gaseous is dissolved into a liquid called the solvent.


Any representative of the genus (sorghum) or tropical cereal grasses.


Vinegarlike or lemonlike; can be caused by bacterial infection.