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There are 10 entries in this glossary.
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False Bottom

The slotted or perforated, liftable plates in the Bottom straining tank, forming a support for the grains, a few inches above real bottom of strainer.


Conversion of sugars into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, through the action of yeast.


The removal of designated impurities by passing the wort through a medium. Yeast in suspension is often targeted for removal.

Filter Mass

Prepared cotton used for beer filtration, at times containing synthetics.

Final specific gravity

Specific gravity of a beer when fermentation is complete (that is, all fermentable sugars have been fermented).


An aid to clarification: a substance that attracts particles that would otherwise remain suspended in the brew, for instance, isinglass.


Undue speeding up of process, especially the germinating process.

Fore Masher

Device to moisten the crushed malt before entering the mash tank; also called "Pony" masher.


Ease of pulverizing, mellowness.

Fusel Oil

A mixture of amyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol and some lower alcohol and their esters.