Term | Definition |
Salaison A Sec | France - Dry salted belly pork
Salami | Italy - General classification for dry sausage, sometimes highly seasoned, with characteristic fermented flavor Usually made of beef and pork; seasoned with garlic, salt, pepper and sugar Some are dried to achieve 30-40% moisture loss Some are smoked and cooked - Dry sausage
Salsiccia | Made of finely cut pork; highly spiced; unlinked; Italian origin.
Salt Beef | England - Beef, usually topside or silverside, brined in a salt and sugar aquous solution for several days, then rinced and pot-roasted.
Sausage Stuffer | An essential in homemade sausage making! An appliance that speeds up the stuffing process. Use to easily fill your sausage casings.
Sausage Stuffing Nozzle | Any tube that can be attached to a stuffer or grinder that will allow sausage casings to be filled.
Saute | To cook and/or brown food in a small amount of hot fat.
Sawdust | Wood dust (hickory or maple) that is burned in a smokehouse to add smoke flavor to meat or sausage.
Scald | To bring to a temperature just below the boiling point.
Scallop | To bake a food, usually in a casserole, with sauce or other liquid. Crumbs often are sprinkled over.
Scrapple | Ground cooked pork combined with cornmeal; other flours may be used in small amounts; available in loaf, brick or rolls, canned.
Sear | To brown very quickly by intense heat. This method increases shrinkage but develops flavor and improves appearance.
Seaweed Woodchips | Although not often thought of as a type of wood, seaweed is commonly used for smoking shellfish such as clams, crab, lobster, mussles, and shrimp. The seaweed is washed to remove the salt and air or sun-dried before use. It provides a somewhat spicy and natural flavor to the foods being smoked or grilled.
Serrano Ham | Serrano, Spain - Ham with an Intense flavour and dense texture that comes from dry-curing for minimum 12 months.
Simmer | To cook slowly in liquid over low heat at a temperature of about 180F. The surface of the liquid should be barely moving, broken from time to time by slowly rising bubbles.