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There are 6 entries in this glossary.
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Iberico Ham (Jamon Iberico)

Sierra de Aracena, Spain - Ham made from black Iberico (pata negre) pigs. The best is Iberico de Bellota, where the pigs have been allowed graize acorns on a free-range basis. The acorns really come through in the taste.

Indirect Grilling

A method of grilling slowly, to one side of the heat source, over a drip pan in a covered grill.


The damper on or near the firebox which allows the user to open/close thereby allowing more or less air to the fire. More air = hotter fire/Less air = cooler fire.


Irish Bacon

Cured pork loin, including the overlying fat, that is sliced thin and fried like common bacon It is sometimes called back bacon

Italian Salami

Includes many varieties named for towns and localities, e.g., Genoa, Milano, Sicilian; principally cured lean pork, coarsely chopped and some finely chopped lean beef; frequently moistened with red wine or grape juice; usually highly seasoned with garlic and various spices; air dried; chewy texture.

Italian Sausage

A fresh sausage, usually made of pork, with fennel and Italian seasoning.