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Daisy (Cheese Shape)

Cylinder-shaped wheel of cheese weighing approximately 20 pounds

The California Milk Advisory Board

David Jacks

A Monterey businessman, landowner and dairyman who in 1882 became the first to commercialize the popular California farmstead cheese that today bears his name "Monterey Jack." (See Queso del Pais)

The California Milk Advisory Board


Double Creme

A soft, bloomy rind cheese to which cream with a minimum butterfat content of 60% has been added.



The stage of cheesemaking when the whey is drained from the curd.

The California Milk Advisory Board

Dry Jack

Eaten as is, or in cooked foods or grated onto pasta or salads. May be aged from seven months to several years. (Mild, aged, nutty, Pale yellow, Hard to very hard, depending on age)

Dry Matter

The part of the cheese that remains after all moisture is removed. Soft cheeses, such as Brie and Camembert, will contain on average about 50% dry matter and 50% water. Aged cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano are mostly dry matter with very little water.

The California Milk Advisory Board


The stage of cheesemaking when lactic cheeses are left for one to three days in a well-ventilated room, to allow the water to evaporate.

The California Milk Advisory Board


A descriptive term often used to describe the nature of monastery cheeses.

The California Milk Advisory Board


Similar to Gouda, Edam is very tasty as is, with crackers or other snacks. (Mild, Yellow with wax coating, Firm)


Cheese with large eyes or holes, named after the river valley in Switzerland where it originated. In the U.S. Emmentaler is commonly known as Swiss cheese.

The Gourmet Cheese Detective


Slightly aged Hispanic-style cheese with mild red chili or paprika coating. When aged longer (Anejo-style), it may be quite hard. Heated, it softens but does not melt. Crumble onto Mexican foods, soups and salads. (Aged, slightly spicy coating, Red spice coating, white interior, Firm, dry, crumbly)

Enchilado Anejo

Aged version (Anejo) of Enchilado. Good as a topping crumbled onto cooked foods. Softens but does not melt under heat. (Mild, lightly spicy, Red coating, white interior, Hard, dry, crumbly)


Complex compounds released by bacteria during the cheesemaking process that help to break down proteins (proteolytic) or fats (lipolytic). Some enzymes in cheese originate from milk; others such as rennet are added to milk during cheesemaking. Enzymes contribute greatly to flavor complexity.

The California Milk Advisory Board

Farmhouse Cheese or Farmstead Cheese

Cheese made on the same farm where the milk is produced.

The California Milk Advisory Board

Farmstead Cheeses Or Farm Cheese

A cheese that is made on the farm by the farmer, using only the milk from the farmer's own herd or flock, on the farm where the animals are raised. Milk used in the production of farmstead cheeses may not be obtained from any outside source.