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A descriptive term often used to describe the nature of monastery cheeses.

The California Milk Advisory Board


Similar to Gouda, Edam is very tasty as is, with crackers or other snacks. (Mild, Yellow with wax coating, Firm)


Cheese with large eyes or holes, named after the river valley in Switzerland where it originated. In the U.S. Emmentaler is commonly known as Swiss cheese.

The Gourmet Cheese Detective


Slightly aged Hispanic-style cheese with mild red chili or paprika coating. When aged longer (Anejo-style), it may be quite hard. Heated, it softens but does not melt. Crumble onto Mexican foods, soups and salads. (Aged, slightly spicy coating, Red spice coating, white interior, Firm, dry, crumbly)

Enchilado Anejo

Aged version (Anejo) of Enchilado. Good as a topping crumbled onto cooked foods. Softens but does not melt under heat. (Mild, lightly spicy, Red coating, white interior, Hard, dry, crumbly)


Complex compounds released by bacteria during the cheesemaking process that help to break down proteins (proteolytic) or fats (lipolytic). Some enzymes in cheese originate from milk; others such as rennet are added to milk during cheesemaking. Enzymes contribute greatly to flavor complexity.

The California Milk Advisory Board