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  • Square Foot and Patio Gardening
There are 6 entries in this glossary.
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A plant that continues to produce flowers or fruit throughout the duration of the growing season.


The structure that carry the flowers on a plant.

Insect Pollination

More than two thirds of all fruits and vegetables are pollinated by insects. Insects carry pollen from plant to plant as well as within a particular plant. This is essential to the formation of fruits, vegetables, and seeds.


A pesticide formulated to kill or control insects.

Integrated Pest Management

A multi-faceted, environmentally-friendly approach to pest management that takes in account the life cycles of pests and how they interact with their environment.

Invasive Species

A plant or animal species that is not native to the region but has "moved in", often out-competing native plants for resources and in extreme cases causing extinction of native plants.