

Swiss cheese is a generic name for several related varieties of cheese. It is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being shiny, pale yellow. While it has a firmer texture than baby Swiss, its flavour is mild, sweet and nut-like. It has a savory, but not very sharp taste. Some types of Swiss cheese have a distinctive appearance. Some cheeses have holes known as 'eyes' while some do not. Swiss cheese without eyes is known as 'blind'. But in general, the larger the eyes in a Swiss cheese, the more pronounced its flavour.

The process of Swiss cheese making is designed in a way that no rind forms on the cheese. It can be eaten with fruits such as apples, pears, grapes and thinly-sliced prosciutto ham and salami. Fruity white wine, aged red wine, crane-raspberry juice, tomato or vegetable juices also prove to be great pairs for Swiss cheese.

Standard Portion

1 Slice

Also called

Swiss Cheese

Nutritional Values

  • Tuesday, 18 October 2016

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